Company Structure

Fair-Share Holdings Limited

Fair-Share Holdings Limited is a privately funded initiator and developer of the world’s largest and most diverse Environmental, Social, Governance investment model. Successfully building and implementing the largest community owned voluntary carbon project in Kariba, developer of the Chirisa REDD+ Project and two wildlife conservancies, through the wholly owned subsidiary Carbon Green Investments. The landscape knowledge, partnerships between public and private sectors, and development expertise are unparalleled, all driven by a commitment to ensure a fair share for stakeholders.

An Irish-based company creating a sustainable Nature Based Solutions model, FS is the core entity which amalgamates the results of the contracted management companies’ activities and developments. FS invests in the establishment and implementation of business ideas and key management activities from a technical and a financial perspective, of which all are a necessity to the landscape.

Carbon Green Africa (CGA)

A private company founded to implement and manage the carbon credit projects in Kariba, the Chirisa Safari Area and Gokwe. CGA is a local project implementer and overseer. With the mandate to work with councils and communities to ensure community project activities and direct inputs are correctly implemented and assist in the ongoing maintenance. CGA is also required to assist in the biodiversity monitoring and conservation in conjunction with each council and National Parks, as well assist in monitoring of social and climate impacts.

Uyo Safaris Limited (UYO)

Uyo Safaris complements the model’s landscape, it is devoted to creating ecologically sustainable and truly authentic guest experiences for our guests by providing unique service and gracious hospitality in a typically African setting, whilst matching our social and environmental responsibilities in line with area partners.

Scout Green Limited

A global company with expertise in project development, ecological monitoring and data collection is provided by Scout Green Limited. A globally active UAV consultant, with a successful track record in remote sensing capabilities with global operations.

Scout Green Limited utilises state-of-the-art, Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems equipped with multispectral (R, G, B, RE, NIR, and P) and RGB payloads, offering comprehensive coverage, rapid data collection, cost- effectiveness, and high-resolution capabilities. By combining this technology with previously collected and sampled ground data, Scout Green Limited has established a reliable relationship with remotely sensed multi-spectral data and traditional (historical) data.

African Conservancies (AC)

AC has been the antipoaching and biodiversity monitoring company for the past 8 years, which operates throughout the landscape. They work with all law enforcement agencies, stakeholders, and communities to assist in the management and exercising of rights to the local communities regarding their cultural and legal benefits from landscape produce.

The government personnel that are engaged include Agritex staff, who also have the trained skills for farming, gardening, and beekeeping. There is one Agritex officer in each ward. Also involved is the Environmental Management Agency (EMA), which brings to the project fire management expertise as well as general environmental management issues. They have up to two officers in each district.

CEA Mauritius Limited

CEA Mauritius Limited (“CEA”) specializes in the design, manufacturing & installation of high quality, modular, CEA (Controlled Environmental Agriculture), aeroponic grow-room systems which includes the GreenFeed ® Fodder System.  GreenFeed Fodder Units equip farmers with the potential to produce their own feed solutions with substantial ecological and economic advantages.